Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Tokina 11-16mm

baru2 ni ada org offer nak blanja lens tuk DSLR aku...
bkn minta... tapi dah beliau nak belanja... so...hati melonjak2 nak...

selepas btanya pada clan photografer aku sat tadi dia cadangkan aku amik wide lens...
selepas aku gtau...aku cenderung amik picture jenis camner...
kat sini dia bagi aku stalk antara wide lens yg dia cadang...
so aku share jap kat ruangan ni...

dan ini idaman lens kawan aku tuh...herm...
jadahnya...sume dy duk gtau aku ni...suma RM2k kebawah...



oklah...t aku ty ayah aku...
erm...ayah aku lah yg offer ni...
bln 4 t ru decide dpt o tak...

untunglah clan aku ni da ada part time job...
nak follow gak...tp memandang aku ni susah gerak tak macam dia...
so aku mgkin dpt dgr dia duk crt jer la...

kalo korg ada minat yg sama gak cam aku...
korg leh lawat page ni gak.. GADGETPRO ENTERPRISE

kat Syah Alam Sekyen 19...

enjoy ur self!!


remove irritating application~


aku minta maaf sesangat....

kadang2 post game aku tlalu byk kan?
sampai penuh gila 'home page' korg...

tu baru 'home page' korg,...
belum lagi aku..

apa gunanya kemudahan yg diberi oleh Zack M. tuh...
korg leh senang2  jer blok application game maner korg rasa meluat dan nak muntah....

kalo aku leh wat....knp korg cari alasan takleh wat...
kalo korg wat...dah tentu2 lah apa jua request korg takkan dpt...

jgn lah nak salah aku sgt...
aku tau korg bkn gamer sgt...
tp aku tau juga...korg ni ada yg addict kat game lain..

agak2 lah nak tegur n PM aku...
tak suka lah...
knp byk2 org yg tsalah htr..
aku lak yg jadi bahan.,..

irritating tol..!

meh aku ajar cara nak blok application...

g 'home page' korg...

akan nampak 'APPS' kan??
klik perkataan ni...


korg akan nmpak byk gila application yg kua...
(kalo kawan ko byk invite lah..)

ni aku watkan satu contoh...

korg klik 
'ignore all request for this app'
then korg klik 'comfirm'

then nnt dia tuka jadi kotak kuning..


klik 'okay'

then comfirm lah skrg korg dah blok application tuh..

ni jer step eh...senang an??
slamat mencuba!!!


Monday, January 30, 2012

i'm Fan of 'secret GardEn' ^^

baru2 ni baru khatamkan Secret Garden... dgn ditemani oleh kembarku...
hahha...ok..i admit...drama ni the best i have found...
sbnrnya...da lama gila ada kat lappy sejak dr matrik...cume aku jer yg tak pernah sempat2 tgk... ~bizi~

so layan jap lirik dorg yg ditranslatekan... have fun...
sapa yg lum tgk tuh...aku suggest korg tgk~

you are my everything~
ost Secret garden

You're my everything
I think about you all my life
I love you, I love you
I want to show you the whole beautiful world

You're my everything
I'll be your last shining star
I want to shine for you

I'm looking forward to see you everyday
It always excites me
Perhaps something like this must be love
Always together, keep our eyes open
Eating together
I dream of that day to come

You're my everything
I think about you all my life
I love you, I love you
I want to show you the whole beautiful world

You're my everything
I'll be your last shining star
I want to shine for you

Perhaps time is flowing
Time to go home
Please don't lift heavy footsteps

The last time we met
It was my luck
Sky has given me the best gift

You're my everything
I think about you all my life
I love you, I love you
I want to show you the whole beautiful world
You're my everything
I'll be your last shining star
I want to shine for you

I love you
Yesterday, today and tomorrow
Forever, forever
I wish you to stay by my side

You're my everything
For I will be your light
I love you, I will love you

I love you
You're my everything

that woman~ ost secret garden

I just love that one woman
I love her wholeheartedly
I follow her around like a shadow everyday
That woman is laughing & crying

Just how much more do I have to
gaze at you alone
This love that came like the wind, this beggar like love
If I continue this way, will you love me?

Just come a little nearer
One step closer but flee with 2 legs
I who love you am next to you now
That woman who comes.

that woman is cautious
that's why you have to learn to smile
what she can't tell her best friend
her heart's full of tears.

that's why, that woman
when she loved you the same way
yet another fool, yet another fool
can't you hug me before you go?

i want to receive love
everyday in my heart, just in my heart
i shout and
that woman's next to me again.

that woman's not me
its not that she knows
she doesn't know cause she's a fool

Just how much more do I have to
gaze at you alone
This love that came like the wind, this beggar like love
If I continue this way, will you love me?

Just come a little nearer
One step closer but flee with 2 legs
I who love you am next to you now
That woman who comes.

here im~

you're my spring~


enjoy yah...ni jer yg aku suka...yg len tu...korg cari lah sendiri...
gila suka aku kat Gil Ra Im punya watak...and of coz her man too...Kim Woo Joo..hhehehe

oh yah...
mmg habit aku, wat koleksi ost drama yg aku suka...
hahha....dah lama gila wei aku wat keje ni...cume aku tak obvious tunjuk jer...
hehheh...ok da,,,,

today my bday... aku dah tamatkan zaman 'TEEN'  aku....
erm...harap baik2 jer lah yg blaku kelak...


Saturday, January 28, 2012

just Nak gtau 3 perkara...



1. aku yer lappy not felling well...will be in ward soon,,,

2. my holiday juzt buzy with home stuff..

3. to May Phing and the gang.... happy dragon year..... good year yearh... good luck!


p/s: keep texting me... and take care of ur health...

Friday, January 20, 2012

seLamat BerCuti Ary K. dan kawan seperjuang!!


yes...this is true!!
sbb aku selalu ulang ayat ni ari2...


ini post pertama sementelah seminggu di 'persisiran medan perang' dan 3mggu berada di 'medan perang'...
herm...what im gonna to say after long this period......

and many story...

yup.. (still have 'but?'.... =="")

hahah~ jgn sedih lah mcik2 semua...adui...aku ni bkn story teller nk citer detail mcm korg harapkan...

ok...aku abaikan keluhan resah korg...
now im goin to tell bout somebody who are falling in love...

she...yes she...
dia dah ada BF...dia gtau aku dulu..aku adalah rakan yg tdekat akan tau dulu..
tapi sian aku tau mlalui status update dia mggu lepas...so mgkin kawan terapat dia satu FB kot... who know...
alahai mcik.... congratulation.... kamo maju kehadapan drp saya...

saya still pegang 'tiket' single...so..... bukan sedih...cume...saya teringin jadi 'kawan rapat' yg kamo gelarkan dulu...wah..rindu ni...tak tau nak cakap gane dgn kamo... (dush2...terasa nk kusutkan rambut kamo yg lurus tuh....)

ok...dah lama gila aku sepi, senyap dan sunyi.....
sampai aku layan lagu Sepi- Yuni Shara lak hari2.... (bahana rindu environment 'selesa'... dan tertekan amat)
now...saya akan pastikan kamo buzz saya...plsss.....hahhahhaha.... (chatting cannot start without word right...i dono the best word...so i let to you get that..)

saya makin sayang kawan2 saya....
thx Indah for the best word and appreciation.....
trima kasih krn support aku...

trima kasih...
krn jadi sentiasa jadi org2 yg hebat di hadapan saya...

saya rindu warga Tampin...
(ntah lah...no word can describe it...)

mggu peperiksaan aku mmg gila...
tapi aku blajar sesuatu drp sepanjang mggu pekse ni...
aku semakain memahami 'miracle' DIA...

terima kasih ya Allah...
krn bantu aku mharungi mggu2 yg amat blur...
trima kasih kerana mperkenankan segala hajat aku sepanjang sem1 ni...
terima kasih ya Allah...
krn mberi aku hari2 yg bermakna....
terima kasih kerana memberi aku pluang mhargai segala hikmat kesakitan ini...
terima kasih kerana sentiasa memimpin aku...
terima kasih kerana terima air mata aku...
terima kasih ya Allah...
tlalu banyak aku ucapkan...
terima kasih ya Allah...
kerana biarkan aku menangis hanya kerana Kau...
terima kasih ya Allah...
terima kasih Ya Allah..

ok...enough for today...
i want take a nap... pnt blajar...

p/s: aku tak tau nper aku sebut kawan aku yg sorg tuh.. mgkin tkejut kot.... ok...hv a nice week... n tggu nx post aku...
*** mcm lawak lak kai layout pink... t aku edit yerk...